Saturday, August 29, 2009


–adjective 1. crying out noisily; clamorous.
2. characterized by or uttered with vociferation: a vociferous manner of expression.

Give me a noun!


eutychus said...


Nene said...


Susan Barnes said...

Bother, I was going to say children.

Great minds think alike!

Valorosa said...


Delirious said...

Any other takers?

Delirious said...

Okay, I'm going to call this one. I think I'm going to go with Eutychus for his answer "children" :)

Valorosa said...

maybe Eutychus fell out of the window again ;-)

Delirious said...


I think he has been busy because I haven't seen much activity from him.

Valorosa said...

Is this the end of Apples to Apples?

Sue said...

Oi, what's happening here? Who's turn is it?

Valorosa said...

don't know ... ;-)

Sue said...

Oh, okay I just read the comments. Oh, Eutychus! Eutychus!

eutychus said...

wow. So sorry. hmmm... slipped into some alternative universe or...
I would have sworn that I checked this but alas, my pumpkin adled mind has failed again (or would that be mind aldled pumpkin)

apologies all around. new game soon.

eutychus said...

Tis the season...
The word is "Jack-O-lantern"

Make a sentence (or sentences)using each of the letters (only once)in the above word to begin each word of the sentence. (what an awkward explanation-I unloaded 1106 pumpkins last night I'm tired)
Perhaps an example will help..
first word begins with "J" next word begins with "A" etc.

eutychus said...

guess I should post it, huh? Must....have...more... caffiene...