Saturday, January 31, 2009

Mad Libs

I loved the Mad Libs idea, so here's another.

Jake ________ the caveman, before turning in his _________.

Your answers can be phrases, they don't have to be single words.


Delirious said...

Jake gave one last salute to the Caveman before turning in his Caveman club member uniform.

Davida said...

Jake shaved the caveman before turning in his resignation.

Nene said...

Jake used to dress up every night like the caveman, before turning in his retirement.

Tera Rose said...

Jake shot the caveman before turning in his gun.

Valorosa said...

Jake ate with the caveman before turning in his dinosaur bones for recycling.

Erin said...

Hey all...I let this go a little longer than I intended...but the answers were great!

I think this one goes to Delirious!