Monday, February 9, 2009

Continuing on :-)

Do you ever wonder_______ when ________.

use as many words as you wish


Tera Rose said...

Do you ever wonder if we are all like the band playing on the titanic when you watch the economic reports?

Mike said...

Do you ever wonder why a dog will stick its head out of the window of a moving car but gets pissed off when you blow in its face?

Nene said...

Do you ever wonder why the police don't pull people over when they see someone doing something stupid, and just give them a ticket for being an idiot?

Delirious said...

Do you ever wonder if people actually look in the mirror when they get dressed in the morning?

Valorosa said...

Looks like we are all in ??

It's Mikes win !!

Love those dogs.

Susan Barnes said...

I couldn't think of anything clever to contribute but I just wanted to agree with Tera Rose and say I certainly feel like we are "the band playing on the titanic" when I watch the economic reports!