"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds." —Emerson
My sanity ;-)
The Matrix
Na ah...The Matrix is real! ")Living three days in the belly of a whale
Evolution :P
i second mike's assertion on the factualness of the matrix. come on, erin. don't you remember waking up in your pod with all sorts of wires and plugs stuffed in you just before you were flushed out? think about it...
It's my best understanding that a theory is something which has been repeatedly tested and found to be true, but has yet to be inarguably proven. I stand by "The Matrix". And yes, Jon, I took the red pill.
TESSERING :)(i still believe it's possible)
Ok, I'll push the limits...Creation
I'm gonna give it a while longer in case a few more want to weigh in...
Okay. I'm guessing all that are going to play today have. :-)So... tough choice. I am a fan of The Matrix. But...I am a long-time-since-childhood fan of Madeleine L'Engle and I believe it is possible, too. So the winner is...TESSERING
so what do you think tessering would feel like?
Exhilarating - unnerving - *smiling* like being pulled through nothing at an alarming rate, perhaps. I look forward to finding out...
I think angels tesser.;-)
A Wrinkle in Time - Chapter 4 :)
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My sanity ;-)
The Matrix
Na ah...The Matrix is real! ")
Living three days in the belly of a whale
Evolution :P
i second mike's assertion on the factualness of the matrix. come on, erin. don't you remember waking up in your pod with all sorts of wires and plugs stuffed in you just before you were flushed out? think about it...
It's my best understanding that a theory is something which has been repeatedly tested and found to be true, but has yet to be inarguably proven.
I stand by "The Matrix".
And yes, Jon, I took the red pill.
(i still believe it's possible)
Ok, I'll push the limits...
I'm gonna give it a while longer in case a few more want to weigh in...
Okay. I'm guessing all that are going to play today have. :-)
So... tough choice. I am a fan of The Matrix. But...
I am a long-time-since-childhood fan of Madeleine L'Engle and I believe it is possible, too. So the winner is...
so what do you think tessering would feel like?
Exhilarating - unnerving - *smiling* like being pulled through nothing at an alarming rate, perhaps. I look forward to finding out...
I think angels tesser.
A Wrinkle in Time - Chapter 4 :)
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