Friday, July 4, 2008




Jeannette Altes said...

mother of pearl

Happy said...

a unicorn's horn

Tyler Dawn said...

Rainbow trout (yum)

Anonymous said...

a puddle of gasoline

Rob Harrison said...


Mike said...

That really cool blue "blood spray" used on CSI; especially when viewed through dorky looking UV glasses. ")

Valorosa said...

Disco Ball!!!

Let's Dance

Woohoo !!

Valorosa said...

Cool butterfly Rob :-)

Erin said...

I got nothing.

I'm worn out from a series of home improvement projects this week, and my thinker is on the blinker. But if we're voting, I'd go for "disco ball"!

Valorosa said...

Ah Erin get some rest and enjoy your home improvements now.

Thanks for the vote. :-)

Ruth said...

I am soooo bummed cause I just logged on to submit DISCO BALL and I see that is it already taken by Val. I give up!!!!!!

PS. THis word verification sucks in the dark.

Sara said...

Kudos to Happy for pulling something that can be as irridescent as I want to imagine . . . but I have to admit, that my mental picture of unicorn horns varies widely from book to book. Many of mine are not irridescent.

Kudos to Mike--that CSI stuff is really cool . . .

But for declaring a winner, I think I'm going to go with popular demand and pick

It's closest in spirit to the fireworks that inspired this adjective! Congrats, Valarosa!

Tyler Dawn said...

Yeah, I was pretty jealous when I saw the Disco Ball answer. It was perfect :)

Valorosa said...

lol sorry Ruth


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