Tuesday, June 17, 2008

CONSTERNATION (Yes..it's a noun)



Anonymous said...

correct me if i'm wrong, but i believe consternation is a noun. which is okay. there are several variations to the game. one of which is a reversal from the "adjective then nouns" style to the "noun then adjectives" style. is this what we're playing? or would you like more nouns on top of that one?

i figure judges have autonomous rule, mike, so you can do pretty much whatever you want with your round. just a little clarification please. it's early and my daughter spilled most of my coffee... :)

Tyler Dawn said...

If this noun is sticking around my answer is


Kimberly Preske said...


Anonymous said...

then i'll go with...



Mike said...

Thanks for pointing that out Jon. I think however, I am going to leave it as it is for the sake of those who have already played. Far be it from me to "buck the system". :)

Anonymous said...

Gas prices!

And I have no particular problem with James Dobson. In fact, now that I'm not working in Christian radio anymore, I hardly ever hear about him.

He's the Oprah of Christendom, and that always rubbed me the wrong way . . .

Sara said...

this reminds me of the round that we played on "perplexing." :)

but for this round, picture your almost-two year old . . .
"Where it go?"

Ruth said...

a feeling of alarm, confusion, or dismay, often caused by something unexpected


Ruth said...

Pick me Pick me Pick me...I haven't won for soooo long.

Mike said...

Tyler Dawn ~ had you said "the next president", you would have won hands down.

Ruth is the winner of this round because she was big enough to beg!!


Valorosa said...

Ruth you are HILARIOUSLY shameless.

Erin said...

Man I waited too long....sorry Mike.

Ruth said...

Shameless!!! I love it! That will be the next word.

"untroubled or unaffected by shame, especially in situations where others would be ashamed'

Thanks Mike - I'll take the win any way I can. I must say I was always consternated as a kid in the 70's with all the rapture talk around The Late Great Planet Earth.

Mike said...

In some ways, I'm glad that I didn't have to experience that. I was a kid and I was allowed to be a kid.

Ruth said...

Ya - stuff like that makes me rethink how I pass on my faith to my kids. It's contantly in my prayer life.

On the other hand, we can count on the fact that we are going to wreck our kids in some way or another.